3 years B.Ed Third year and MA First year results published

Tribhuvan University office of the controller of examination, Balkhu today published the results of 3 years Bachelor of Education (B.Ed) third year-2073. The examination of B.Ed third year was held on Jestha Ashadha 2073.

Similarly, TU OCE also published the results of Master of Arts (MA) First year Home Science. The examination of MA First year Home Science was held on Baishakh-jestha 2073.

अाइ सि‍ टि बि एड प्रथम सेमेस्टरकाे प्रवेश परीक्षा सम्बन्धि सुचना

अाइ सिटी  बि एड प्रथम सेमेस्टरमा भर्नाका लागि यस क्याम्पसमा अावेदन  गरेका विद्यार्थीकाे प्रवेश परीक्षा  २०७३ साल म‌ँसिर ११ गते बिहान ११ बजेबाट सञ्चालन हुने बेहाेरा सूचित गरिन्छ ।

LLB-TU First year Exam Center Notice

Tribhuvan University, office of the controller of examinations, Balkhu today publishes the examination center for upcoming examination of LLB First year.

The examination of LLB First year is going to start from Mangsir 1, 2073 in the following examination centers.

Examination time: 11 am to 2 pm.

Entrance Examination स्थगित सम्बन्धमा

मिति २०७३ काति्क २७ गते हुने भनिएकाे ICTE पहिलाे सेमेस्टरकाे भर्नाकालागि लिइने  Entrance Examination  केन्द्र्काे जानकारीका अाधारमा अर्काे  सुचना नभएसम्मका लागि स्थगित गरिएकाे छ ।   मिति तय हुनासाथ याम्पसले अर्काे सुचना गर्ने छ ।